
UK Study Visa Process step by Step

Study in the United Kingdom and enjoy top-quality education throughout the country. Take your pick of several noted universities like Oxford and Cambridge that are renowned for their academic excellence.

The United Kingdom is located in Europe. There was a time when the East India Company and the British monarchy ruled over half the known world. Trading outposts and colonies eventually left an English imprint on places as far as Australia, India, and the West Indies. Today Great Britain has a constitutional monarchy with Queen Elizabeth II on the throne.

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Education System In The UK

During the nineteenth century, there was a huge surge of higher education institutions in Great Britain. England dominated this sector, with every other prominent university outside of Britain getting its royal charter from here. Soon after that, many new initiatives were made to convey the university status to some of the educational institutions that later became extremely famous.

Public universities dominate the higher education system in the UK, where each university is autonomous and has its own unique entry requirements for its students. The structure of each university isn't ruled by any government but is looked after by an independent entity from the university that looks after the financial and strategic health of the university

Types of Higher Education Institutions in the UK

In addition to universities and colleges, which are recognized institutional bodies conferring degrees in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to its students, there are some institutions that fall in the category of ‘listed bodies’. With a reputation to maintain, only those educational institutes that hold the necessary qualifications might appear on such a list.

The listed bodies do not have any authority to award degrees, but they do offer specific vocational and pathways programs that are designed to put you in a stronger position if you ever decide to change your career or pursue a degree programs.

In addition to universities and colleges, which are recognized institutional bodies conferring degrees in both undergraduate and postgraduate levels to its students, there are some institutions that fall in the category of ‘listed bodies’. With a reputation to maintain, only those educational institutes that hold the necessary qualifications might appear on such a list.

The listed bodies do not have any authority to award degrees, but they do offer specific vocational and pathways programmes that are designed to put you in a stronger position if you ever decide to change your career or pursue a degree programme.

Why Study In The UK?

Our UK universities are known for their historical excellence Professor Margeret Hodge is one such example. He has 18 years of experience teaching networking and is considered a visionary in the field. All of our UK universities include guest lecturers from Asia that were brought in when they notice how dedicated the students are to their studies.

Each and every year, students from all over the world find their way to the UK for the different courses available here. Recently, prominent institutions like the University of Edinburgh, Bangor University, Dundee University and Glasgow are all being visited by a growing number of students from India. This is largely due to the low cost of living these areas offer in comparison to London or Birmingham.

Scotland, Wales, Northern Ireland, and England each have their own unique local characteristics. For example, you might find that life in London is fast-paced, while the lifestyle in Dundee and Bangor is more relaxed.
London has a higher population than Scotland or Wales, so the transportation infrastructure is greater there. London also has many of the iconic landmarks one typically associates with England. Thus, what you think of when someone mentions England usually involves London as well. Likewise, Edinburgh is also part of Great Britain.
But it also has its own particular history – Many believe this to be one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Finally, there are many other things to consider when choosing a place to live besides city size and historical importance – such as culture and character.

Places to Visit

Traveling to London without a plan or strategy may be exciting as well as beneficial, but one should be aware of the expenses they are going to incur while being in London. Expenses like hotel bookings, and an entrance fee for famous spots. Transportation will become a burden if your financial budget is not well set by you before planning a trip to London.

A treasure trove of places to visit awaits the intrepid, curious traveler in the United Kingdom. Some of the popular destinations include Windsor Castle in London, London Zoo, and the Tower Of London. The real capital for buzzing destinations is found however in Edinburgh, Scotland, which contains many attractions including The Royal Yacht Britannia, Arthur’s Seat mountain viewpoint, Edinburgh Castle, and more. ​